Tomorrow is CHRISTMAS EVE!!!
You know what? I can believe it, there is no other excuse for how busy I've been. What a busy& beautiful time of year. Thankfully, I did get a chance to do lots of fun things with my 19 favorite kiddos.
It's unfortunate that this happened (to the other teachers house that is ;):

I also received a few gifts from my students and their parents. It got me thinking about giving tips this time of year. The rule you ask? Nannies are to receive at least a weeks salary as a bonus. My father heard on the radio that a live-in nanny (which I was this time last year) should receive a full MONTHS salary. I honestly don't remember what the family who must not be named gave me last year. They did give me some amount of a bonus but let me tell you, it was certainly not a weeks salary (yet alone a whole months).
What do ya'll think?
Whatever the case, this time of year is certainly about people more than things or bonus'. It's time to celebrate our blessings. So enjoy the holidays, we'll get back to business in a few days.
I'm off to see 'A Christmas Carol' this evening, spend time with family, pet sit for the family who must not be named, and then I'm headed to Haiti on the 26th!
Can't wait to meet you again in the new year.
To you and yours, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
P.S. In reference to my last post on snow, there is SNOW expected in our sweet southern city on Christmas day. Blissful.
What do ya'll think?
Whatever the case, this time of year is certainly about people more than things or bonus'. It's time to celebrate our blessings. So enjoy the holidays, we'll get back to business in a few days.
I'm off to see 'A Christmas Carol' this evening, spend time with family, pet sit for the family who must not be named, and then I'm headed to Haiti on the 26th!
Can't wait to meet you again in the new year.
To you and yours, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
P.S. In reference to my last post on snow, there is SNOW expected in our sweet southern city on Christmas day. Blissful.